
Increase Your Flexibility and Improve Your Balance at Any Age

Power Plate’s unique vibrations help improve hydration of skin and muscle tissue using 40 micro vibrations a second. These vibrations actually help move fluid between cells, loosen up adhesions which help relax tight and stiff muscles, and improve overall flexibility.

When standing on a Power Plate, your body quickly learns how to balance on top of a vibrating surface. Training your body to adapt and stabilise on a vibrating surface helps dramatically increase your overall balance, as your body is normally used to stable surfaces.

Power Plate is the must have workout machine for anyone trying to improve their balance and flexibility.

here’s what real users are saying about power plate

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood

Award Winning Actor and Director
Verified Power Plate Customers

Many things come and go in this industry but the Power Plate machine is here to stay. It is a fast and effective way to stay in shape. Power Plate is a fast and effective strength workout and I like it before a round of golf because it helps me be loose and flexible.



UK Championship Golfer, Sky Sports Golf Broadcaster
Verified Power Plate Customers

Introducing the Power Plate® into my training schedule has had a significant and hugely positive impact. I love the versatility it offers; from stretching, strength and flexibility, to massage and relaxation, exercising on a Power Plate® has added an exciting new dimension to my training programme.



Broadway, Film and TV Actress
Verified Power Plate Customers

I worry about the things all women do, not only staying in shape, but losing bone density and flexibility. Working out on my Power Plate helps me tone and strengthen, as well as build bone density and increase my flexibility. I can get a lot of benefits out of a 30 minutes session.

One Machine.
Endless Benefits.

Improve Flexibility

Improve Flexibility

Using a Power Plate routinely, has been shown to help increase flexibility. In a study done on whole body vibration the results indicated that vibrations had a significant influence on flexibility (European Journal of Sports Science).

Improve Circulation

Improve Circulation

Tiny vibrations flowing through your body enhance the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells. Multiple studies have shown that whole body vibration increases skin blood flow (Medical Science Monitor).

Activate More Muscles

Activate More Muscles

Scientists have found that a Power Plate workout recruits 95% of your muscle fibers while a regular workout is shown to only recruit 45% (The American Chiropractor).

Reduce Fall Risk

Reduce Fall Risk

Seniors using a Power Plate can perform exercises that help improve balance and stability. These exercises are designed to engage muscle fibers and also help retrain motor patterns resulting in improvements in balance.

Ready to take your workout to
the next level?

Power Plate® MOVE + FREE Mystery Gift (£100+ value)

Power Plate® MOVE + FREE Mystery Gift (£100+ value)

£2,396.00 £2,995.00

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Personal Power Plate® + FREE Mystery Gift (£100+ value)

Personal Power Plate® + FREE Mystery Gift (£100+ value)

£1,356.00 £1,695.00

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