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Power Plate Helps Golfers Play Their Best
Power Plate’s Whole Body and Targeted Vibration products are the innovative, time-saving and results-driven way to improve driving strength and swing mechanics for a more consistent game.
Key Benefits
- Core Stability
- Rotational Strength
- Increased Flexibility
- Positive Muscle Memory
- Mind+Body Awareness
- Faster Recovery
Golf Favorites
Whole Body Vibration
When working on your golf fitness, training on Power Plate is a quick and efficient option. As the platform gently vibrates below you, your core is constantly challenged, increasing muscle activity and strength. Increasing your strength and fitness decreases your risk of injury.
Golf Favorites
Targeted Vibration Products
Many golf courses & country clubs, PGA Tour strength coaches and even PGA Tour professionals advocate
the use of Power Plate training before hitting the green, including Rocco Mediate, six-time PGA Tour
“All it takes is a quick 90-seconds or so on the Power Plate prior to beginning a round
of hitting the range and my body is completely warmed up and ready to go.”
Power Plate: Improve and enjoy your game more.
For pro’s and amateurs alike.
"I own a Power Plate and recommend it to anyone serious about improving their game"
Rory Sabbatini
6x PGA Tour Winner
"Power Plate is a fast and effective
strength workout and I like it before
a round of golf because it helps me
be loose and flexible. Many things
come and go in this industry but the
Power Plate machine is here to stay.
It is a fast and effective way to stay
in shape."
Clint Eastwood
4x Academy Award Winning Actor